Preparing for Your Skills Check

January 19, 2023

During your Skills Check session, you will interact with a virtual cardiac arrest victim and perform Basic Life Support steps, including chest compressions using the Relay Response CPR App.

Before Scheduling Your Skills Check:

  • Review our tutorial video on using the Relay Response App.
  • Locate a compressible surface. We strongly recommend compressing on a firm foam surface like a sofa cushion (the bottom sofa cushion) with a book or hard inflexible surface placed on top. If you’re using the CPR App on your phone, place the phone close to your hands in the portrait orientation, as pictured above.
  • Practice chest compressions until you can regularly compress at the correct depth and correct rate most of the time (green numbers in the app!)
  • Review the BLS protocol and ensure you know the tasks you need to complete at each step.

Before Your Scheduled Skills Check Session:

  1. Ensure you have Zoom installed on your smartphone (available in the App Store or on Google Play).
  2. Have a firm foam surface set up to compress on with your smartphone or smartwatch. We recommend you use the same setup that you achieved effective practice compressions with.
  3. Join the Skills Check session from your smartphone using the Zoom link provided in your email.

©2023 XiMiO Health Inc. dba Relay Response

XiMiO Health Inc. DBA Relay Response is a registered corporation in the state of Delaware.
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